Dota2 : Keeper Of The Light

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After the creation of the world, broke the will of the ancient forces: light, darkness and chaos. Since then began their opposition. Most often, the light comes to fight against darkness, against the Chaos.
In a world where beginning to accumulate a huge amount of strength, light forces sent his messenger, to he maintained his balance and did not give sown chaos.
A part of the primordial light took the form of an old man on a white horse. Since then, he is known as the Keeper of the Light.
On the battlefield, no one takes seriously the hoary feeble old man. But when the forces of darkness and chaos beginning to win, he reveals his true power, forcing the enemy to flee in fear.
When the good is defeated and the sky thickened darkness Ezalor Illuminate concentrates on the end of his staff. When released, the light causes damage to all enemies in its path.
In order to strengthen the forces of light, the boiler gives to its allies more manna. Chakra Magic gives peace of mind to friends and followers Ezalora.
Enemies, on the contrary, light wizard makes losing magical powers by a Mana Leak, which simply burns the soul of the enemy.
Sometimes, death shell Ezalora can not afford to release the necessary force, so the rider shows his true Spirit Form and begins to emit light of grace.
Allies can not be afraid to get lost in the dark on a battlefield because Recall always return them to the elder, no matter where they are.
When surrounded by enemies Ezalora and his companions, he is able to apply Blinding Light. The explosion glare threw the enemy back and cause them to miss.
It is important that the sacred light hit the forces of evil, so opponents must remain in place until the Keeper of the Light casts a spell. In so doing, it will greatly help the mechanical genius Clockwerk.
Do not forget about the enemies Ezalora. He managed to amass them a very large number, but it stands out the ancient beetle Nyx Assassin. His ability to bring death to this old wizard. We must be very careful when near the enemy.
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