Dota2 : Juggernaut

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History Juggernaut
The distant and unknown island of masks – the birthplace of Juggernaut. It was on this island was taught the secret martial art and it lived here first-class warriors who perfectly mastered the sword. The basis of the teachings of the Juggernauts is that which would have been difficult, they should always be irresistible and go for a break, not paying attention to any obstacles. Each of the Juggernauts is obliged to wear a mask on his face, so as not to show their emotions in a fight to the enemy.
The island masks lived a talented juggernaut named Yurnero. He was young and hot he grasped everything literally on the fly, but all this he was also honest as himself, and so with the others. He always used to fight against injustice, and once learned, that it takes place on the island of masks.
One of the consuls of the island was not clean at hand. Taking advantage of its position, the continuously deprive the honest people of the island of masks, took them home, collected taxes, and especially annoying he was throwing into prison. Yurnero same could not look at this mess and decided to challenge it on the selling master. In response, the consul ordered the killing Yurnero.
The guards pounced on the young Juggernaut, but the forces were not equal. Fight Quest Juggernauts haunt. After a moment, the whole guard was lying at his feet Yurnero and then his sword and caught himself consul. According to the laws of more than one of the Juggernauts he could not lift his sword to a resident of the island of masks, as a citizen, held a high position, and even more so. Yurnero seized and almost sentenced to death, but his teacher stood up for his kind words. Presentation Wizard help, and instead of dying Yurnero was expelled from the island, with its native home, where he was born and spent his entire life. From now on, now he could not come back here, otherwise it will suffer death.
Yurnero left the island. He remembered him as a warm and sunny place, where the shore breeze was blowing and it was possible to relax under any tree. But now this place no more. Once Juggernaut left the island, he soon found himself in the water. He swallowed the ocean, and open in the depths of the sea. Yurnero lost everything twice. The first time, when he was expelled from the island, and the second, having lost all his family and friends, when the island was submerged.
Sometimes, when it will wash longing, he remembers his home, his teacher, his sword, which has created and which still fights in the battles. But he is now one. He is the only Juggernaut, who inherited the secret teachings and traditions of the island masks. Yurnero moves towards its goal, it does not stop, neither sword nor bullet, no magic. This is his path – the path of Juggernaut.
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