Dota2 : Huskar

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You will not find in the Order Dezun someone who would be able to cope with the fierce and strong warrior by the name of Juzcar. Mad warrior, reminiscent of their behavior berserk. He is not afraid of no pain, no death. Juzcar strikes on the enemy with open chest, like dreams fall like a true warrior, but so far nobody has been able to overcome it. But what about Juzcar became so strong, how is it different from the other warriors of the Order Dezun? If you really interested, then Sit on more comfortable and read. Story starts.
Juzcar no different from their peers – other novices cult Dezun. Like everything he studied arcane shadows, as well as the art of healing, but he did not try, always all turned out very badly. But when it’s all weapons training, he had no equal. The most favorite weapon Júzcar was a spear, and another curved dagger. Diligently practicing, Júzcar becoming stronger. He invented his own technique, which is suitable for different situations. In training, he expertly ran his spear, easily punching any armor, and his curved dagger always helped him when Juzcar met the enemy face to face.
How I wish you were not first-class warrior, but you still can not defeat the person who passed the shadow of the sacred ritual and returned from the most dangerous places – Nottl. There is a belief that if you still can not go back there, then your soul will go straight to heaven, and will take place among the gods, and worships that order. Learning of this, Júzcar decided once and for all, his soul will take pride of place in the abode of the gods.
By the end of training offered to pass all novices last ritual shadows. Of course, there were those who refused, but in the eyes of Juzcar was not a single drop of doubt. And in the evening, when the sun completely set, the shadow priests began their ritual, sacred drink watered Juzcar, while they themselves began to dance, performing a magic rite. Eyes Juzcar not started to droop, weakness enveloped his body, and if he fell into darkness. The mind separated from the body, it hovered over all watching with high and smiling. But in less than a second, as the beginning of his soul sucked into the abyss – into the world of Hom, where there is nothing but darkness.
With many obstacles faced Juzcar, I have overcome a lot of enemies, but he could not get out alive in the end. His body with every second grew cold, and the soul felt she could not go back. But suddenly he saw a light in the distance. “Here it is the way to heaven,” thought Juzcar and raced rather closer to their gods. He raced until the bright light is not blinded him and he did not shut his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that before him there is no darkness, no Nottla gods. His body was surrounded by a powerful spell, which did not allow him to go to the gods. Looking around Juzcar saw before him was the high priest of the Order of the shadows Dezun named Dazzl. Yes, that Dazzl cast his spell, not allowing Juzcar die. Juzcar was furious, he felt the blood, like fire flowing through his veins, reviews and literally forcing him to every cell in the body to work at full.
Returning from Nottla, Juzcar to the surprise for themselves acquired new capabilities that make it the most terrible warrior. He first threw himself into the thick of battle and come out of it a winner, having spread his spear heads of their enemies. During the years of battles he has learned to use his blood, literally burning it their spears. But to be a puppet in the hands of the Order of the elders he was disgusted. And he decided to leave the Order, when he learned that a new war flares up stronger which has not happened.
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