Dota2 : Elder Titan

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Story Elder Titan
Titans – are creatures that are at the source of origin of all that is in the universe. They appeared when the universe is only beginning to emerge. Small bundles of energy, the stars, they were very few. And just as these bundles of energy given the power to create the Titans. The names of many other giants have sunk into oblivion of being, but there was only one name of the old and strong titanium. We can say that he was an elder among all the others. Elder Titan.
The most important occupation for eternity is the creation of the universe, worlds, spaces and parallels. Since receiving its power Elder Titan engaged in creation. He’s getting better and more beautiful than the previous one. Other Titans also did not stand aside and work together to create new worlds to him. Matter – a resource that they used. Under their infinite power, any matter takes the form which they want.
Elder Titan like a blacksmith with a huge hammer forged for eternity new universes. During its existence, he has learned to control not only matter, but also to change the essence of the Titans, making themselves and their much stronger, smarter and more powerful as a result. He felt that he could anything he wanted, and created the fundamental plane in which four fundamentala in charge of the particles of matter. It was the light, the darkness, the force of attraction and repulsion, and dark matter. And they were linked. He also created and two ancient and gave them strength, that they may keep the balance, but a lot went wrong.
The ancients, who had to maintain a balance, began to fight each other and destroy worlds. Then Elder Titan sealed them in a star that has become a prison for them, and sent them drifting across the expanses of the universe. Countless years he created and invented new. He wanted to change reality and to make it a single, but it did not work out. To create this, he used a piece of themselves. We can say, a Soul Shard. A huge rift formed in this fragment, which he failed, and just could not get out.
After missing Elder Titan, the relationship between fundamental weakened and the light left the fundamental plane, which in the end and break the link between fundamental and all scattered in all directions. Star, which were made of old, began to break down. After a huge amount of time Elder Titan still out of the fault and wanted to recover part of their soul, to return again to the world of peace and order. And the strength of the ancient will help him in this.
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