Dota2 : Earth Spirit

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History of Earth Spirit
You have probably heard of a place called Mount whining. This is the place where live Storm Spirit and Ember Spirit, and that is a haven for the miners. Where you can make good money on the production of the sacred jade. Many people come here from all over the whole families and work hard. But now the mine abandoned.
In these places deep under the ground is buried a great warrior and general Kaolin and his mighty army. Many thousands of years ago Kaolin was an excellent general and captured the neighboring land without much difficulty. Glory went ahead of him, he was not only powerful, but also wise. He always appreciated each of its warrior. But it’s time to defeat.
Earth Spirit
His opponent had not only a powerful army but also a keen mind. Two huge armies clashed in a narrow section of the whining of the mountains, and left only one winner. And it was not Kaolin. In honor of this great battle, and respect for the kaolin was ordered to bury the general and his army. And to forever immortalize his greatness, one craftsman carved the figure of the general in full growth of the local jade stone. Since then, the jade statue of the general, as his army, buried deep underground.
As time went by, the nights and the days followed each other. The mine has been abandoned for a long time, not a single soul has not set foot there for many years. Thousands of years of accumulated jade statue of the strength of the Earth Spirit, as long as alive and did not make its way to the surface through the tons of earth. Earth Spirit gave unprecedented power of kaolin, due to which he can move huge stones and to call for the fight of his soldiers. Found out that and other spirits went to war, he followed them to hone their skills to perfection.
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