Dota2 : Dragon Knight

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History Hero Dragon Knight (DK)
The main aim in life was to Deyviona murder of the legendary dragon. Only the mightiest warriors can defeat the dragon knight so every day with great perseverance continued the search. Many years later, he found that someone was looking for. But it just was disappointed, ancient dragon was very old and feeble. He would not be able to repel and kill a defenseless opponent will not add honor Devionu. Therefore, Knight wanted to leave the dragon to live out their years.
At the time, the dragon was a very formidable opponent and strikes fear in the whole kingdom. He did not want to die of old age in his cave. Therefore I asked the knight to fight with him. Devion realized his opponent and took pity on him. He took out his sword and drove the blade into the dragon’s throat. At this point, the dragon knight pierced his claw and gave all his strength, which remained with him at the time.
It appeared as Dragon Knight, Knight, who has the honor and the power of the dragon.
The most powerful weapon was a fire-breathing dragon. It burned entire villages and the army. Breathe Fire now use not only the dragons, but Devion.
Not all skills knight received from Slayraka, something he knew himself. For example, Dragon Tail shows mastery of all melee weapons. Knight stuns the enemy with his shield for a long time, leaving him helpless.
Slayraka Blood Knight gives rapid regeneration of health and increases armor Deviona. Dragon Blood gives a tangible advantage over the other knights.
Dragons only one view could win battles, because few people dare to fight these powerful beings. Dragon Knight learned to summon the spirit of the old Slayraka and with the help of Elder Dragon Form knight turns into a real dragon. After that, it gets ranged attack and becomes even stronger.
For such a strong hero of the threat may be the only ones who can tie his strength and not let release the power of the dragon. Among these can be identified and Shadow Shaman Lion. What is interesting is that these characters can be considered, and the best of friends for the Dragon Knight, because they will not allow the enemy to escape from the knight of retaliation.
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