Dota2 : Disruptor

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People Oglodi centuries was famous for being able to change the weather. Living in the harsh edges of rain for this race meant as life and death.
Nature was to Oglodi akin to religion. They themselves could not understand the principle by which they are able to control the rain, but that’s not really care. Except for one young guy who decided to learn the principle of storms and thunderstorms.
A lot of time was spent in ancient libraries, searching the ruins of cities, I read a lot of books and manuscripts. In the end, he managed to find the drawings, which lets you create lightning out of nothing.
Dismantled in ancient knowledge, Disruptor could create a potential difference, then allowed to cause thunder and rain discharges. Now he was on the defense of their native land and not let anyone else just to break the boundaries of his homeland.
Fearsome knight always wear large iron armor, it plays into the hands disruptor because Thunder Strike is very well drawn to their armor. Very few people can survive strong discharge electricity.
More and more immersed in the study of electricity, Disruptor started to detect it very interesting possibilities. Glimpse, for example, could return the enemy in space and not let him escape punishment.
Lowering the capacity could create impassable barriers Kinetic Field, which cover the opponents in the fence, not letting him get out in the usual way.
But this rage and power disruptor can be seen only during Static Storm. Multiple lightning bolts cause enormous damage on opponents. Surviving this can only come from the tribe Oglodi.
To escape from the storm, you need to get away from it away, but what if the Dark Seer will not allow to leave the center of the storm. Then all opponents receive a death sentence.
Enemies for a hero perform all who have in their arsenal a spell of silence, because without electricity magic disruptor can not summon lightning.
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