Dota2 : Centaur Warrunner

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Centaur Warrunner – tank initiator DotA 2, the main feature of which is power. He is, in the truest sense of the word, is the strongest hero pillboxes, simply because he has a record gain in strength, namely 3.8 per level. But not only because of this it is one of the most dangerous heroes of DotA 2. What exactly is hidden its power?
What do we do?
Centaur Warrunner can stand as good on the line, and in the woods. We consider the case when the character is on the line, along with tech support or solo, but not taking away from the main farm Kerry. It is best to go along with the hero, who has many dizeyblov, they will help us to give the enemy prokast (eg Shadow Shaman, Lion, Crystal Maiden, etc.).
We appear near the fountain and buy Stout ShieldStout Shield, 3x Iron BranchIron Branch, TangoTango, Healing SalveHealing Salve. These items help to stand in lines, allowing in which case the medical treatment and reduces incoming damage. We are trying to kill the creeps, but not fanatically, do not lose a lot of health at the same time.
First buy Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed, thereby increasing the mobility of the hero. The next thing depends on the specific goals and plan for the game. If the team is going to push and initiate timfayty in the early minutes, the need Blink DaggerBlink Dagger, without Centaur Warrunner not very useful character.
Magic WandMagic Wand buy as soon as the free money. If we stand against those who often uses the ability (Bristleback, Batrider etc.) priobritaem this item as soon as possible, it is possible even in the Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed.
The main goal at this stage of the game – to get Blink DaggerBlink Dagger. You can then go gank or farm to be themselves with a Town Portal ScrollTown Portal Scroll, because the tower is likely still stand, and the battle will take place next to them. Carefully follow the map for use Stampede, to gain an advantage for our team.
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