Dota2 : Brewmaster

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History Brewmaster
Celestials – demigods is endowed with magical powers. All spirits lived in the mountains of whining, and in addition to the three spirits (Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit and Earth Spirit) was a boozer named Mangiks, who lived in the devastated city. He was the son of a mortal mother and of the Order of the Oyo celestial father, whereby Mangiks got magical powers.
What is involved in the Order of Oyo? This is the result of the holy cloud, when your body was connected to the world of spirits, thanks to spectacular heady holidays. Mangiks was the first who was able to combine technology Oyo Order with magical powers gods. From a young age he began to comprehend the mysteries of the Order of Oyo. With a young brewer by the best masters of the Order, they showed him the military equipment and taught to drink that alcohol did blows stronger and faster.
There were years, Mangiks became more skillful warrior and a drunkard, but it’s not the most interesting. To get the title of the main Brewmaster need Mangiksu had to fight with the senior master and get his title in a battle.
The battle began, they drank and exchanged blows that flew in different parts of the body. It took nine days and nine nights, but the battle was still going on. It was a huge amount of alcohol consumed and the number of strikes can not be counted. They struggled and whirled in a duel, while the old soldier fell to the ground, mortally being drunk. Young Mangiks received the honorary title of Brewmaster. After that he went on a journey around the world, as well as other Brewmaster him. After all, according to the teachings, just knowing vagrancy, you can understand the education and answer the question: how to combine the spiritual with the material world? These wanderings brought Bryumastera the open spaces of the great battle of the two stones, where he stayed to fight.
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