Depeche Mode

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There are in good old England, near London, a small town in Basildon, quiet and no perceptible. One of the fabulous English colonies, drowning in lush greenery, clean streets, almost gingerbread houses, tea at 5 o’clock, a bath and a few clubs for the younger generation.
He appeared immediately after the second world war, and there reached many respectable English families with their young children, work mood and high hopes.
The history of Depeche ModeГородок lived with all the problems that can lead to such artificial entities… unemployment, alcoholism, juvenile delinquency. Well, of course, it wasn’t all bad. Have grown children that were born in this city, dreamed about the future, and some of it definitely promised to be brilliant. And young Martin Gore that attended their home school, since I studied German, and in General, was a brilliant botanist. And Andy Fletcher, no less diligently attended all the same school and his friend Vince Clarke, with whom Andy Fletcher hanging out wherever possible, even in their religion classes. But, let’s face it, Dave gaana it did not look so brilliant, however, it is not much cared at the time…
The history of Depeche ModeНу okay, let’s go from the beginning. Lived two boys — Andrew Fletcher and Vince Clarke, and roll these guys noodle since we were kids. And when the boys grew up a little bit, I realized it was time to do something serious. And visit them this brilliant idea in 1976. “And what would do?” thought guys. “Oh,” said Andrew, “And I’m playing on the bass guitar!”. “What do you mean, and I’m on a synthesizer!” – Vincent said – “Yes, then God himself ordered us to join the Group!”. Well, since God so commanded, so it was necessary for it to thank. “But how?” asked Vince. “We must join the Church organization ‘Boys Brigade’!” – said Andy. No sooner said than done.
So, God was thanked, and the Group was still without a name. There really had guys to stretch their own brains. “My brain was stretched to China,” joked Andy. And then cried Vince – “Sure, we’ll name our Band! – ‘No Romance In China’.”. “Good” said Andy. “How are we going to play?” – questioned Vince. “Well, if we knew what ‘Depeche Mode’, the game would be as they are, but right now we don’t know that, and will play, as ‘The Cure’.” concluded Andy. And they began to play, and played well for 3 years. A Martin Lee Gore was playing at the time, ‘van Gogh’ in Duo ‘Norman And The Worms’. If he was there with Norman, or was the Worm – the science is unknown, and it is known that he decided to join the guys outside zapamyatnyh 1978. Here and so, and joined, along with his guitar.
The history of Depeche ModeА after that, I wanted them to change the name. “I think that the ‘Composition of Sound’ to what does not oblige.” concludes Martin. “Good” – once again agrees Andy. And they play three at the club ‘Youth Wood Lands’, where with the help of engineer Robert Marlowe has created a ‘Photographic’. “Bullshit!” -pronounces the strange word Andy. Indeed! (not the song, of course, was garbage, and the position in the group). Andy didn’t know how to sing, March is not wanted, and Vince will try it only after four years. “If we don’t find the soloist, will I sing!” – this brilliant idea visits Fletch. “Bullshit!” – answers a choir of two voices.
And away we go!!! Music schools, Church choirs, music choirs, Church schools, school choirs, music of the Church… the list could continue endlessly. All of them are somehow afraid to try to find where it was possible to find a Decent Vocalist for a Decent Group. And soon something happened that had to happen soon. At one of the pubs Vince meets bankowego Dave gaana …
The history of Depeche ModeПанковавшего… That’s an understatement… what draws you, the reader – it’s flowers. What could make mothers Basildon, thrusting sandwiches as its fellow in the portfolios, to sentence the following words: “the Road go to the green, don’t talk to strangers, don’t smoke, well learn, and… I beg you… stay at least 3 kilometers from this Geena!!!” You have already formed an impression about this nice boy? Now multiply that by 3. Or, perhaps, on the 8th. Imagine a gang of 10 strong guys that day to attend art College, and in the night he did not attend, and even outagamie circumstances. For good example, you can say that one of this gang was one member of the Sex Pistols. Good company???
And here, Vince, after playing in one round musical instrument, came up to Dave and said in 5 seconds EVERYTHING that is crammed with a group during the week especially for this occasion. Then using all sorts of chamberbitter Dave said that he not only sings, but also on the machine is able to sew, and was accepted into the Group unconditionally as the main soloist.
The history of Depeche ModeМожет should audition?” Dave, as always, reasonable. Hero!!! Hero!!! Is the name of the song David Bowie sang young Geun audition. However, if he sang even one of the songs of Frank Sinatra, and in this case it would be adopted. And then – here it is, the fateful moment. “Well,” says the authoritative comrades Dave -“the name of your Group to what does not oblige, and I got better. I now oecause just in case fashion, and I have a journal called ‘Depeche Mode’. I think this quite a fitting name.” “Good” – once again, says Andy. “We need to find out what we’re made of!” – immediately comes to mind is Vince. And, after speaking to one of the clubs, the guys realized that then they cost a few rotten tomatoes that were thrown at them during a performance. “Yeah, not a lot” – said Martin, “But I know I can save us! The contract with the record company!”.
The history of Depeche ModeПоскольку March worked as a cashier, and Fletch agent for the insurance, Vincent and Dave – the most free and independent – rode around looking at the contract, but in vain.”…. sorry, we are young aspiring musicians, but very promising.” “F… O… Y… S… M… F…” – various combinations of these untranslatable in a normal society, the words of the English language was the typical response to young, even for beginners, but very promising (we know!) musicians. It could stop anyone, even Depeche Mode, but our heroes did not break. They… blown away, sour, wilted and fell off…. You imagine that can feel the person denies even a company called “Raw materials”! A firm called “Dregs”? (“Turbidity” is a bit of a rough translation, but for some reason they are not refused!).
RecordsКогда Mute Daniel Miller introduced the band, he only snorted, but after 5 minutes….he recognized them! Rather, recognize in them those talented famous musicians who played the opening act of the group of Fad Gadget in one of the London club, where Miller visited often in the evenings. “Now you will have a contract with Mute Records!!” – he told them. “Yes, what he told us, if we can just shake hands and believe every word?” he inquired of the Group. “And that is true.” replied Daniel. And the group lived 5 years without a contract.
“In fact, is sprawled in a chair, Smoking a cigar Dan Miller -“Depeche Mode I immediately liked. Even then, in the British House club. They had something that attracted at first sight. Can’t say that I immediately saw in them a gold mine. But what of their material, it was possible to do something big – that’s for sure.”
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