David Villa

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David Villa – childhood, biography
David Villa was born on December 3, 1981 in Spain, in a small village called Langreo. This settlement is in the north of Spain. Work in the village was almost non-existent and the father of the family was forced to work as a miner.
In four years, Villa suffered a serious injury to the femur. In order to rehabilitate, the boy constantly played football with his father. Thanks to exhausting training, David managed to recover and now plays with both feet without any difficulties.
Father supported David from childhood. It was thanks to his support that the boy was able to recover from injury. There were times when Villa spent entire seasons on the bench, clashed with the coach and dreamed of quitting these senseless, as it seemed then, training. However, family support helped the guy not give up. Already at the age of seventeen, it became clear to everyone that Villa would become a football player. The boy went to study at the football school “Mareo”.
David Villa’s football career
Despite all the successes of the athlete, the local club “Real Oviedo” refused to sign a contract with Villa. According to the leadership of “Real”, the player lacked the potential and, in addition, he was young. David was invited to Sporting.
His first season in the club he held in 2000 year. Then the coaches asserted that in David there is no endurance in order to significantly influence the course of matches. However, in the first two seasons, the player scored 25 goals and began to appear more often in the first team.
Three years later, the athlete is invited to the more prestigious club “Zaragoza”. He started well in the national championship, and in the first season managed to score seventeen times a ball. He did not have to adapt to the new level of the game for a long time, Villa successfully made his debut as a member of the prestigious club and very soon became a full-fledged player.
In the Spanish Cup in 2003, David significantly influenced the victory of his team, having implemented a stunning goal to the gates of “Real”. Not surprisingly, Villa was spotted by football managers and offered to play in the UEFA Cup. It was the first game of a football player in European cups.
In 2005, Davil moved to the club “Valencia”. As part of the club, he became the second in the list of the best forwards of the championship.
The result of Valencia was the third indicator for the entire existence of the club. The player managed to save the place of the best scorer in the Example for almost four years.
In 2010, for forty-two million euros, Villa began playing in the “Barcelona”. The contract was signed for four years, the player’s salary reached seven million euros per year. The player himself admits that leaving “Valencia” became one of the most exciting moments in his life. It was in this team that he reached the real heights in his career and took his place among the most successful players in Spain.
In the “Barcelona” football player was recognized as the best athlete of the year. At the World Championships in 2010, the Spaniard managed to score five goals. David’s career developed rapidly, in November 2012 he reached the mark of 300 goals scored during his career. However, in the same year the player wanted to leave the club, the coaching staff refused to give Villa other teams.
Only in July 2013, David managed to leave the “Barcelona”. For more than five million euros, the Spaniard was taken by the Atletico Madrid team.
But in 2014, the player moved to the American “New York City”.
During his long career, the football player became the owner of the Super Cup, the champion of Spain, the winner of the UEFA Champions League and even the world champion in football.
The personal life of David Villa
Also successful in his personal life. For more than ten years, Davil has been living with his wife Patricia.
In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Said, and in 2009, the family was joined by Olalia.
In 2013, the football player had a long-awaited son, who was named Luka.
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