Counter-Strike: Source

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Psychology of the masses – the incomprehensible phenomenon, located on the other side of logic and common sense. The long-awaited way out of the final version of the C-S: Source made such a devastating effect on the cerebral cortex previously sane citizens that it is time to speak about the epidemic. Postpone debunking myths like death.
System requirements
Pentium III / Athlon 1.2 GHz
256 MB of memory
3D-accelerator with 64 MB of memory
5 GB hard drive
access to the Internet
Pentium 4 / Athlon XP 2.5 GHz
512 MB of memory
3D-accelerator with 128 MB of memory
5 GB hard drive
access to the Internet
C-S: Source – it does not Counter-Strike 2, as part of the multiplayer Half-Life 2Kratkaya information about the game. That is to say, in front of us – a long time friend of Counter-Strike 1.6Kratkaya information about the game, which craftsmen from Valve transferred to the engine Source, tightly fastened to the adventures of Gordon Freeman and put on a fully commercial footing. The same laws, the same gameplay, same cursed fate of the hostages and bombs, but coupled with modern graphics and advanced physics model. Catch any of the local terrorist, search it carefully, and you will not find anything new. Black knitted mask, glistening with oil AK-47, a box C4, no joker up his sleeve. Only laces and buttons.
OK, let’s go …
Contrary to tradition, will have to start with the graphics. Amazingly, the picture is exhibited by my old GeForce 4 MX (with the recent Joint OperationsKratkaya information about the game, it cost very unfriendly), in no way resembles the dying convulsions and looks quite bearable. Detractors just remember how many years ago, work began on the Half-Life 2Kratkaya information about the game, but rather in the business optimization means averse individual competitors.
All honest – the steeper the iron, the greater the effects on square inch of screen. Unclear by today’s standards texture compensates elegant ragdoll-animation and real blood. Dark red liquid abundantly dirtying the walls and floor, justifying the “adult” rated games. Forget the clowns of the gutta-percha Rainbow Six 3: Raven ShieldKratkaya information about the game forever – the realism with which the defeated adversary to settle on the floor, striking. Nonsense like piss off each other’s bodies, can not be considered a serious disadvantage, since they are removed team cl_ragdoll_collide 1 (strange that this “feature” does not include a “default”). Already in the game 10×10 “butchers” will be able to freely enough of lovely hills of lifeless bodies. Pregnant women can sleep peacefully, tearing extra-legs handles in game is not provided. Developers have realized in time that this is not BloodRayneKratkaya information about the game, and did not go too far.
Weapons (or rather, its visual component) – an absolute feast of the spirit. I did not expect to see such a beautiful toy; no comparison with children “pukalkami” Condition of ZeroKratkaya information about the game. Shabby gate guard, several matte rivets, barely visible serial number on the side of … well studied yet in the “Kalashnikov” child wants to immediately undergo a process of partial disassembly and favorite combat knife with a wavy blade – hang on the wall as decoration bachelor severe.
For me, not everyone understands what they mean. If you’ve spent the last few years on reindeer pastures of the Far North, really need some explanation. Game rules are elementary. There are two teams (terrorists and operatives) and two game modes (Detonate and hostage rescue). The terrorists set a bomb in one of two special zones – operatives as far as possible prevent the villainous machinations, razminiruya “infernal machine” in which case on the spot. Releasing (or protection) requires a minimum of hostages decisive action. Sneak in “prison” is not enough – prisoners have to literally stick to bring to the area marked on the map. Or shoot all the members of the opposing group.
The game is divided into rounds. For winning team receives a certain amount in a freely convertible MNT spent for the purchase of arms, ammunition, armor and other ammunition … In this intriguing note introductory rate ends. Looking for more? It offers a review of the Counter-Strike and Condition Zero.
We gradually move on to geography. C-S: Source consists of nine cards that exactly two times less than in the Condition ZeroKratkaya information about the game. Painful “deja vu” is provided. Cs_office, cs_havana, cs_italy, de_aztec, de_chateau, de_cobble, de_dust, de_dust2, de_piranesi – developers proved to be finished by conservatives, forcing the player to jump back on to the entourage jammed holes. Another disadvantage, immediately evident to anyone who has at least a rough idea of Counter-Strike, is a kind of imbalance. It is not clear why priority was given to “explosive” levels. But the design is great, tested and perfected over the years to the last detail. Rolling around on the fringes of street pots and utensils easily flailing office – nice, but not necessarily a bonus.
If the eastern towns and Aztec pyramids covered with the sand not stale even after a couple days of play, the two players in the model – is shaped mess. The good news is that Valve perfectly see their own shortcomings. In December we will hand over the normal set of “skins”, a few “classic” levels (really their alteration takes so long?) And one completely original.
Get out of there, it’s gonna blow!
Tactics changed slightly. Most of her new physical model is affected. Savvy terrorists got an extra reception. After covering the bomb any rubbish, you can win precious seconds (which is then not enough, poor thing Sapper), if not enrage your opponent – it is relentless timer, and comb the area to be as soon as possible.
Behind the iron barrel no longer possible to feel safe. Failed (or well – depending on where the barrel looks) has got all send a piece of improvised bunker in free flight, depriving you of protection. Thinking that the 7.62 mm bullet, fired from a distance of less than 100 meters, breaks both walls rusty Pandora and almost does not change the trajectory, leave adherents Rainbow Six 3: Raven ShieldKratkaya information about the game. In the end, we came here to have fun, not to save the world.
Ballistic barrels in C-S: Source in the order of things, but the famous bullet-proof shield, at the time caused a strong storm of indignation in the camp “kontrovtsev” fortunately, no. Malicious dog shat in the other corner. Where our Terrorists scored hostages growth far beyond two meters – that’s the main issue of today. Screwed to the floor “akseleratov” make ingratiating look up to them and surprise superhuman vitality. Shot in the head of an armored commando battling spot, but not overgrown old man in an old-fashioned glasses!
The weapon is modeled perfectly. Of course, I could be wrong, but subjectively essential difference between the room and a full SMG rifles became more pronounced. Earlier KM UMP.45 outlandish or ES C90 is a panacea for all the ills of the world, and now spread bullets on the middle and long distances pushing to purchase the M4A1. The ideal solution would be a M249 (European cousin M60), only machine gun some fake. I agree, shooting from a special accuracy is no different hip, but that is no reason to turn a dangerous weapon in the Berdan rifle grandfather. However, I have always believed that a machine gun in Counter-Strike is inappropriate. With the same success it was possible to add mortar or grenade launcher American M-79.
Do not worry unnecessarily – such details become important only when playing against a human. Built in C-S: Source Bots often forgives egregious blunders, and even included «friendly fire» does not create difficulties.
Hold this position
As the curtain again want to note – this is not Counter-Strike 2. This is a remake of the ordinary. Dot. Limit saturated adrenaline action captures from the first minute, but in the end nothing original, we have not offered. Although retrograde what mood? After all, worse-then just gone.
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