Clancy Brown

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American actor Clancy (Clarence Jay) Brown III was born on January 5, 1959 in Urbana, Ohio, the son of a publisher and Congressman Clarence Brown Jr. and musician Joyce Aldridge. The boy graduated from high school St. Alban’s in Washington, and then -. Northwestern University, which was adopted in a closed brotherhood “Sigma Chi” and received a Bachelor of oratory.
Studying the works of Shakespeare, a student at Brown imbued with love for the craft of acting. Theatrical career he began at the stage of Chicago in the 1980s. Playing major roles in productions of Shakespeare’s plays favorite, and Glen De Costa, Strindberg and other classics of drama, Clancy received a positive assessment of theater critics. Actor and film producers are interested in, but they saw it, first and foremost, not a dramatic artist, a typical negative character. This was facilitated by a powerful body of Brown, its specific appearance and low stentorian voice.
Clancy debut on the silver screen was the role of “Viking” in the crime drama 1983 “Bad Boys.” She brought the actor a number of tempting offers of work in Hollywood. Steps to Brown’s success were: cult “Highlander” (1986, the role of the Dark Knight Barrow), “Starship Troopers” (1997, the role of Winter) and some others.
The actor continues to be successfully removed, basically – in minor, but specific roles. He is also involved in voice acting cartoons, television series and shows, independent film projects.
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