Christoph Eichhorn
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Birthday: 08.09.1957 year
Place of birth: Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Citizenship: Germany
Since 1980, one after another out several short films, awarded the Berlin film festival. Almost all of them Christophe Eichhorn will act as the leading roles; some of his works he himself will write the script.
Christoph Eichhorn hails from a theatrical family — his father is German actor Werner Eichhorn. In the Bochum theatre from 1972-1977. On the stage Christoph Eichhorn he played in productions of Directors such as Werner Schroeter, Peter Cadek, rose background Praunheim, jérôme Savary.
Movie — 1972 (a small role in the film “Tenderness of wolves” (Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe), dir. Ulli Lommel.)
In 1981 he played Hans Castorp in the film adaptation of the famous novel by Thomas Mann “the Magic mountain” (Der Zauberberg), dir. Hans V. Geisendorfer (Hans W. Geißendörfer). This role brought fame and also allowed to demonstrate his broad acting ability.
In subsequent years, Eichhorn will play many roles in movies and popular television series. The Russian audience familiar with one of his works — the role of the king of Sweden Karl XII in the series 1986 Peter the Great (Peter the Great), dir. M. Dzh. Chomsky and L. Schiller. In this tape, Christoph Eichhorn played together with famous actors, among them Maximilian Schell, Laurence Olivier, Ursula Andress, Natalya Andreychenko, Hanna Schygulla, Vsevolod Larionov, Vanessa Redgrave, Omar Sharif, Boris Plotnikov, Roman Filippov, Boris Shcherbakov and many others. On Russian television Christophe Eichhorn can be seen in the TV series “crime scene” (tätort), “Inspector derrick” (Derrick), the “law of the wolf” (Wolff”s Revier), “Clown” (Der Clown), “Sagely Mystery” (Das Geheimnis des Sagala), etc.
His voice sounds in radio shows and performances on the CD.
Since 1980, one after another out several short films, awarded the Berlin film festival. Almost all of them Christophe Eichhorn will act as the leading roles; some of his works he himself will write the script.
In 1988, the feature film “Jenseits von Blau” (Beyond the Blue), and in 1995 — “Der Mann auf der Bettkante” based on the novel by Evelyn Holst “Man on the edge of the bed.”
Since the mid 90-ies up to the present time as a Director is principally engaged in the filming of the detective series.
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