Charles Bronson

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American actor.
Born November 3, 1921, in the mining village Erenfeld (Pennsylvania, USA) in a poor family of immigrants Tatar-Lithuanian origin. Charles was the eleventh of fifteen children in a mining family.
In 1943 he was drafted into the U.S. armed forces and served in the air force gunner on B-29.
After the war he decided to become an actor, believing it will lead him to riches. He Graduated From The “Pasadena Playhouse”. Was a miner, a laborer; appeared in small roles on TV.
From 1950 — actor began working in film, and in the first 12 films under his real name.
During the McCarthy “witch hunt” has changed the Lithuanian name for the Anglo-Saxon Bronson.
The international recognition gained by participating in a number of European paintings: “One day in the far West” (1968, UK),
“Twinkie” (1969, UK), “Violent city” (1970, Italy), “passenger of the rain” (1970, France), “Red sun” (1971, Spain, Italy, France), where his characters evoked sympathy for the audience.
Was the lead actor in the popular American TV series “Meet McGraw” and his producer.
Charles Bronson was married to actress Jill Ireland, who died in may 1990.
The actor died 30 August 2003 on 82-m to year of life from pneumonia at the medical center “Cedars-Sinai” in Los Angeles, where he received treatment for several weeks.
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