Brian Austin Green

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American actor. Most famous for his role as David Silver in the TV series Beverly Hills, 90210 as well as the role of Derek Reese in US TV series Terminator: The Battle for the Future.
The actor starred in the TV series Desperate domohazyayki
The actor starred in the TV series Desperate domohazyayki kinopoisk.ru
Full name: Brian Austin Green (Brian Austin Green).
Born July 15, 1973 in the Californian city of Van Nuys. His parents, Joyce and George Green, were musicians and played in groups in country and western style.
Brian Austin grew up in the northern part of Hollywood and attended the first Hamilton High School Academy of Music, and then North Hollywood High School. Acting career he began at the age of eleven and began studying music at the same time.
Carier start
On the Green first appeared in the late 80’s Green: he starred in three seasons of the series Silent wharf (Knots Landing, 1979-1993). By this hero actor is back again in 1997, when the screens came the continuation of the series called Quiet marina: Back to Cool de Sac (Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac, 1997).
Finest hour
In 1990, Brian Austin Green began to appear in the new youth series Beverly Hills, 90210.
Along with the TV series Beverly Hills, 90210 Brian Austin Green shot and in other projects.
He appeared in the melodrama Single Father (Unwed Father, 1997) and the thriller Her chic novel (Her Costly Affair, 1996), played guest roles in Sabrina, the little witch (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, 1996-2003), and E! True Hollywood Story (E! True Hollywood Story, 1997-2009).
In 1996, the actor has decided to get rid of the second part of his stage name and start a musical career. He released one album in the style of rap called One Stop Carnival.
Critics and listeners have met this disc is very cool, and Brian Austin Green have preferred to return to work in television. However, the passion for music, he did not leave and set up his own production company.
Personal life
Brian Austin Green met with actress Tiffani-Amber Thiessen in the early and mid-90s.
He was married to Vannes Marcil, from which a son Kesus.
The second wife of Brian, Megan Fox.
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