Brenda Fricker

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Brenda Fricker was born February 17, 1945 in Dublin, Ireland. During adolescence had a car accident, thanks to which she later had to remove a kidney. He was also suffering from tuberculosis. First acting experience gained in various Irish scenes. Meanwhile, she worked as a journalist for the “Irish Times”. He later developed the character and the actress became a member of the theater group “National Theatre” then also “Royal Shakespeare Company” and “Court Theatre Company” in the UK. From private life, it is not known. The actress was married once. In 1990, her husband died.
A film camera first appeared in 1964 in the eponymous film adaptation of the novel by William Somerset Maugham OF HUMAN BONDAGE, where she played a minor role. Supporting Actor occupied five years later in a comedy SINFUL DAVEY (1969). Her popularity has increased the role of Megan Roach in the British drama television series Casualty (1986).
The turning point in her career came in 1989 when she was cast in a supporting role in the drama of Ireland and Great Britain My Left Foot director Jim Sheridan. There lovingly portrayed the mother of a son (Daniel Day-Lewis), afflicted with cerebral palsy. The film was nominated for an Academy Award in five categories. Eventually he won two: for his riveting performances took them just Daniel Day-Lewis for his lead role and Brenda Fricker for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Both actors were nominated for their performances at the Golden Globe.
In 1990, she appeared in a starring role in the drama pastures, where she played with his colleague Richard Harris, who was nominated for his performance at the Oscars. Figure housekeeper one Czech baron who was a passionate collector of Meissen porcelain, portrayed in the drama UTZ (1992). Part of the filming took place in the Czech Republic and Brenda Fricker him also participated.
In the 90s the actress had visited several Hollywood. The role of homeless loving “his” pigeons starred in the hit comedy Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992). Roles crazy mother in the comedy And so I took Butchers (1993). Interesting role angry sisters created his colleague Albert Finneymu comedy meaningless MAN (1994). He performed alongside R. Wright Penn and M. Freeman in the drama Moll Flanders (1996) and secretary Matthew McConaughey starred in the drama A Time to Kill (1996). Recently he created an interesting role formidable director of the Institute for the disabled in the drama INSIDE I’m Dancing (2004) and alongside Andie MacDowell appeared in the drama TARA ROAD (2005).
A considerable part of their characters created in television films and series. Besides the Oscar-winning Sally Field appeared in the hit US series ITSELF AGAINST FATE (1995). In the TV drama ANGEL IN LOVE (2000) portrays a character Willie Hendleyové that the main heroine (Mary-Louise Parker) sells his shop worn šactvem. On the Gemini award she was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the film Torso: THE STORY EVELYN DICK (2002). A major role in the Irish drama No More Tears (2002), inspired by the scandal of the nineties, when the group of women infected with hepatitis C from contaminated blood.
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