Ariana Grande

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Popular American singer, actress and model Ariana Grande (full name Ariana Grande Butera) was born in the resort town of Boca Raton, which is located in the sunny state of Florida, on its east coast. Birthday Ariana Grande – 26 June 1993 (26.06.1993 g). Of particular prominence acquired Ariana Grande, starring in the popular television series “Victorious,” which starred Ariana Cat Valentine.
The elder brother Ariana Grande is a producer and actor, his name is Frankie Grande. Mom Ariana Grande Grande name is Joan and father Ariana’s name is Edward Butera.
Ariana studied vocal singing in Eric Vetro. Even in childhood Ariana Grande played in the city children’s theater in Boca Raton. It was called «Little Palm Theatre».
Five years ago (2008) Ariana Grande played in the Broadway musical “13”, where she played the role of Charlotte. Ariana left the school, and studied remotely, getting out of school teaching materials.
The musical Desmond Child «Cuba Libre» Ariana Grande played the role of Miriam. Not alien to the girl and charity – every year, in the framework of “Broadway in South Africa” Ariana teaches African children music and dance.
Three years ago (2010), children’s channel “Nikldeon” produced series “Victorious”, to participate in that Ariana had to dye my hair purple.
Two years ago, Ariana Grande starred in the movie Grayson Chance «Unfriend You».
Ariana Grande’s voice is often compared with the voices of famous Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.
His first studio music album titled «Yours Truly» Ariana Grande has been recorded just a month ago – in June 2013. Its release is expected at the beginning of the autumn of this year (2013). Ariana itself evaluates it as a very direct and honest, comparing it with a personal diary.
Ariana Grande Interesting facts
By the way Ariana famous names in the TV series “Victorious” on the children’s channel Nickelodeon.
2 years Ariana rozbila nose phone to his older brother Frankie
The single second album Ariana Grande “Problem”, recorded with the participation of the Australian repershi Iggy Azalea and American rapper Big Sean, took first place in the Top Chart iTunes after 37 minutes after the release !!! Just one week Ariana has sold more than 400,000 copies of the single, which makes it a very young singer, whose single became the best selling of the year !!!
At Ariana are allergic to bananas and cats
Growth Ariana Grande is 1 meter 53 centimeters.
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