April Bowlby

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April Bowlby was born July 30, 1980 in Vallejo, USA.
As a child, Bowlby moved to Manteca, California, where he graduated from high school. She studied French and fond of ballet before they decided to devote himself to acting.
April Bowlby has appeared in several television series first career, she starred in the television series episodes “the CSI” and “How I Met Your Mother.” She starred in the movie “All Roads Lead Home” in 2007.
Since 2009, she played a major role in the TV series “Drop Dead Diva”.
Also in 2009, she performed a small role in the movie “The Slammin ‘Salmon,” in which the main role performed by Kevin Heffernan and Michael Clarke Duncan.
In 2010 he appeared in the series “Psych,” and in 2011 starred in the movie April “of Prada and feelings.”
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