Annabeth Gish

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Annabeth (Anna Elizabeth) Gish born March 13 1971 in Albuquerque (new Mexico, USA). Later the family moved to cedar falls where her father is a teacher, got a place in College. With eight years she performed in the theatre, and at eleven has already become a professional model. Debut Annabeth in the movie took place in 1986 in the movie “desert Flower”, and two years later, in 1988, she starred in “Mystic pizza” and then–in the movie “Shag”. Noticed a young actress on the TV. In July 1993, Annabeth Gish, made a small break in his artistic career, received a bachelor’s degree in English literature. The most famous movies with Annabeth–“Wyatt Earp”, “Nixon”, “Scarlett”, the sequel to “Gone with the wind”, “Beautiful girls,” “Dance of love”, “Morning”. In 1999, the screens went Thriller Bruce Beresford’s “Double jeopardy” in which Annabeth Gish has played a leading role. In 2001 she was invited for the role of Monica Reyes in the TV series “Secret materials”. Just on account of Annabeth Gish more than 30 films.
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