Ann Blyth

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Date of birth 16 August 1928
Zodiac sign Leo
Place of birth new York, USA
Awards and prizes
Oscar 1 nomination
American actress.
Full name — Ann Mary Blyth.
The future actress was raised in a strict Catholic family that seemingly contradicted the luxurious life of Hollywood, but the dream of an acting career soon led Ann Blyth on Broadway. From 1941 to 1942 he participated in the production of “Watch on the Rhine”.
In 1944, debuted on the screen. The first role often had musical movies. In 1945 came the picture of “Mildred pierce,” which glorified actress and earned her a nomination for “Oscar” for “best female role of the second plan”. After there were the films “Brute force”, “Mr. Peabody and the mermaid”, “the Great Caruso” and others. However, in 1957 Ann Blyth ended his film career, starring in the movie “the Story of Buster Keaton”. This decision was conscious, and since 1960-ies, the actress only worked in musical theatres and on television. Among the serials in which she appeared, such as “the twilight zone”, “Justice Burke”, “murder She wrote”.
In 1953 Ann Blyth married James McNulty. The marriage produced five children. The couple had not split up until the death of James McNulty in 2007.
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