Amy Smart

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Amy Smart (full name – Amy Smart Lyle, born Amy Lysle Smart.) – American actress and model. She was born March 26, 1976 in the city of Topanga (California, USA).
At a young age, Amy Smart was not interested in a career in the movies. Its longer fascinated by ballet and theatrical performances, classes in which she attended for several years. Also, at the age of 13 years, Amy Smart began her modeling career. It was only in 1996, she played in her first television role in the short episode of the television series «Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story» ( «Seduced madness”). In the same year she appeared in the film «A & P» and in the film «Her Costly Affair» ( «Its chic novel”). In 1997, the actress got the role in several films: «High Voltage» ( «High voltage»), «Campfire Tales» ( «Tales around the campfire»), «The Last Time I Committed Suicide» ( «Suicide») and «Starship Troopers »(« Starship Troopers “). But in these films Amy got only a minor role.
His debut major role played in the Smart «The 70s» series. However, a successful actress is still considered a game of images of the second plan. So, in 1999, she starred in the film «Varsity Blues» ( «Student Team”), where she played the wife of a famous rugby player and perfectly conveys the feelings of the heroine.
The next 5 years, presented Amy Smart roles in the films by which its popularity began to grow rapidly. These were the «Road Trip» ( «Road Trip”, 2000), “the Rat Race” ( “Rat Race”, 2001), “of Interstate 60” ( “Route 60”, 2002) and «The Butterfly Effect» ( «The Butterfly Effect “, 2004). Amy Smart is also remembered by the audience because of its participation in 2003 in several episodes of the very popular TV series «Scrubs» ( «Clinic”). And after three years of filming Amy Smart got a role in the sensational film «Crank» ( «Adrenaline”), where she acted as his girlfriend irrepressible protagonist. The second part of the films released in 2009, where Amy again showed his acting skills.
Within 3 years, Amy Smart went on shooting, and in 2011 has pleased its fans participating in updates to “Shameless” ( “Shameless”), “12 Dates of Christmas» ( «12 Days of Christmas»), «House of the Rising Sun» ( “House of the rising sun”) and «Art of the Heist» ( «Art robbery”).
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