Alice Greczyn

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In his spare time Grechin likes to read, dance, meet friends, attend massage courses, travel. She loves all kinds of music – from blues to electronic and hip-hop.
Alice was born on February 6, 1986 in Walnut Creek, California. Grechin never dreamed of a career of actress and did not think about what the future will appear in television series and feature films. But the little Alice had another dream: she wanted to be a figure skater. Soon, however, Alice plans had changed, and she was admitted to the medical college and decided to become a nurse or medical assistant.
But that all changed on the day when Alice saw the manager on development potential. By the time she and her family moved to Colorado. By signing a contract with the manager, she began her acting career. Grechin starred in “Phil of the Future (TV series)” (2004 – 2006), “A night without sleep” (TV) (2004), “Fat Albert” (2004), “The Dukes of Hazzard” (2005).
Currently Grechin lives in Hollywood one. She has brothers, Ted and Brian, and sisters, Madeline and Kate, who still live with their parents in Colorado.
In his spare time Grechin likes to read, dance, meet friends, attend massage courses, travel. She loves all kinds of music – from blues to electronic and hip-hop.
In 2007, Alice starred in “House of Fear” and the TV series “Moonlight.” In 2008, the planned release of the movie “Teenage road movie without a name” with Alice Grechin.
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