Alex Borstein

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Alex Borstein – BIOGRAPHY
Alex Borstein (born in 1973 in Highland Park.), Whose real name Aleksandrea Borshteyn – American actress of film and television, voice actress, writer and producer.
Aleksandrea Borshteyn was born February 15, 1973 in Highland Park, Illinois, USA in the family of psychiatrists Judy and Irv Borshteynov. In 1980 his family moved to Los Angeles, she graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in rhetoric.
Since 1999, Alex is married to actor Jackson Douglas, who has filed for divorce from her in October 2014. The couple have two children – a son Barnaby Borshteyn Douglas (rod.08.09.2008) and daughter Henrietta Borshteyn Douglas (rod.01.10.2012).
She participated in writing the screenplay for the film: Guy are: Almost live comedy show Seth and Alex (2009), Life at Five Feet (2002), Drop Dead Gorgeous (In a Down-to-Earth Bombshell Sort of Way) (2006), cartoons : Pinky and the Brain (1995-1997), Guy (1999-2014), Stewie Griffin: The Untold story (2005) TV series: Shameless (2011-2015) Mad TV (1995-2009), Casper – good ghost (1996- 1998) and others.
He took part in the shooting and dubbing of films: Little Man (2006), Catwoman (2004), Killers (2010), etc., series:. Frasier (1993-2004), Friends (1994-2004), Gilmore Girls (2000-2007 ), etc., the characters in cartoons:. ParaNorman (2012), American Dad (2005-2014), Robot Chicken (2005-2014) and others, the game Family Guy (2006)..
It performs the function of film producer: Take Alex to Work Day (2006), Drop Dead Gorgeous (In a Down-to-Earth Bombshell Sort of Way) (2006) Cartoon: Family Guy (1999-2014), Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story (2005 ), the series Shameless (2011-2015).
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