Adrien Brody

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Adrien Brody is an American actor, winner of the “Oscar” and “Cesar” for his starring role in the military drama “the Pianist”. Also known works in films “the Thin red line”, “a substitute Teacher”.
Adrian was born April 14, 1973 in New York city in the family of photojournalists, Sylvia Laments and history teacher and artist Elliot Brody. Adrian grew extremely wild and naughty kid with a wild imagination. From a young age the kid put on his own shows and performed magic tricks at children’s parties. Adrian often acted as models in the photos his mother: large sad eyes, a sharp nose, clumsiness lanky figures – the unusual appearance of Adrian could not help but attract attention. With 13 years of Adrian’s starred in commercials and played in the theater. Already at the age of 15 he made his film debut in the title role — in the drama “Finally home” (1988). And in 16 years hit the tape, woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola’s “new York stories”. After graduating from the high school of music and dramatic art, Brody was admitted to the new York Academy of dramatic arts. In 20 years, Adrian has played in the drama Steven Soderbergh’s “king of the hill” and immediately attracted the attention of critics, who celebrated his great potential tragedian. Aspiring actor combined work in the theater with frequent filming a movie. So, in 1996, he played in the film “Bullet” along with Mickey Rourke and legendary rapper Tupac Shakur. And in 1998, 25-year-old Adrian was waiting for a real breakthrough — the cult Director Terrence Malick approved it in the military drama “the Thin red line”. The film received numerous nominations for “Oscar” and a small role of a corporal, where Adrian has demonstrated his dramatic ability, he immediately brought the actor to the forefront. Brody began more often to appear repeatedly getting rave reviews of film critics. Actor, as considered criticism, so talented that he is able to pull even a bad film. Brody was surprised by the fact that despite its atypical appearance managed not to get into one position and to be always different, easy to live and in comic and tragic roles. In 2000, the year Adrian played in the drama by the famous British Director Ken Loach’s “Bread and roses.” The actor played the lead role of a trade Union activist, passionately campaigning for the rights of workers. And then embodied the image of a shy ventriloquist in the Comedy “the Doll” (2002) with Milla Jovovich.
A real opportunity to showcase all facets of his skill Brody got in 28 years, when the cult Director Roman Polanski confirmed his military drama “the Pianist” for the lead role. The actor played the pianist Wladyslaw szpilman, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto during fascism. Brody is brilliant in this film — he subtly and movingly shows the transformation of a respected and free him in hunted, exhausted by the war beast, which, despite its gnarled stiff fingers, still continues to be a pianist. The way it turned out and the skills of playing the piano. For this work, Adrian Brody has received well-deserved awards, including “Oscar” and “Cesar”. He immediately moved to the rank of favorite actors, able to make outstanding diverse roles. Brody is not only in dramas (“sub”, 2011), and thrillers (“the Mysterious forest”, 2004, “Jacket”, 2004), blockbusters (“king Kong”, 2005), in comedies (“the Darjeeling limited. Desperate travelers”, 2007, “the Brothers bloom”, 2008) and in action (“Predators”, 2010). At age 35, he made his debut as a composer, composing a song for the film about his mother. Adrian understated privacy — we know that he was Dating Elsa Pataky, but she is married to Chris Hemsworth. 39-year-old actor remains a bachelor.
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