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Birthday: 17.07.1921 year
Age: 84 years
Place of birth: Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA
Date of death: 16.08.2005 year
Place of death: Ahwatukee, AZ, USA
Citizenship: United States
Original name: the Bourne Aquanetta
‘The Venezuelan Volcano’
The actress of films category ‘B’, famous for its exotic appearance. Often in the press met its nickname, ‘the Venezuelan Volcano’.
The Bourne Aquanetta was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming; she grew up in Norristown, Pennsylvania, under the name Mildred Davenport – the girl’s name changed after it was abandoned by her biological parents. ‘Bourne’ in Russian can be translated as either ‘flame’ or as ‘deep water’.
Aquanetta career started in the modeling business; the work itself she found in new York, under the auspices of Harry Conover. In 1942, she managed to get a film contract with film company ‘Universal Studious’; she played mostly in a variety of films category ‘B’, like ‘Tarzan and a female leopard’ (‘Tarzan and the Leopard Woman’), ‘Arabian nights’ (‘Arabian Nights’), ‘the Sword of Monte Cristo’ (‘The Sword of Monte Cristo’) and ‘wild captive’ (‘Captive Wild Woman’); latest Studio planned to expand in a series of films about a female monster with Aquanetta in the title role. The series was supposed to be one of the classic TV series about monsters, extremely popular at the time; APE-woman, played by Aquanetta could be on a par with Dracula, Monster of Frankenstein, the mummy, the Man-Wolf and the Monster of the Black Lagoon. Unfortunately, on one of the movie series did not go.
In the fifties, the actress finally left the cinema, shortly after marriage to Jack Ross, a car dealer. They settled down to live in the town of Mesa, Arizona; after a while Aquanetta to some extent was able to regain the reputation of the star, starring with her husband in a series of television commercials, and then launching his own show, ‘Area of water’ (‘Acqua”s Corner’), broadcast this show on Friday, late in the night. Have Aquanetta and Ross had four children; the marriage, unfortunately, was not perfect and in the eighties the couple divorced.
Acting biography Aquanetta not limited to – in 1974 she published a book of poems, ‘Audible silence’ (‘The Audible Silence’). In 1987 on the American stage appeared the girl group ‘The Aquanettas’ – the name they’ve built on the name of the actress.
Aquanetta died from complications of Alzheimer’s disease, on the morning of 16 August 2005, in Ahwatukee, Arizona. At the time of death she was eighty-three years.
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