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London – the capital of Albion and the United Kingdom
London is considered one of the most interesting cities in Europe, which for the year is visited by approximately 10 million tourists, which is about the size of its population.
Guests of London attracts its centuries-old history and traditions, architectural appearance and unique flavor of the city, cultural events and contemporary entertainment that it offers in abundance and wide variety.
The capital of Albion is famous for its architectural ensembles and historical monuments, theaters and art galleries, museums of world importance and extensive parkami.Dostoprimechatelnosti London, London Eye where each of you can find for yourself what will be postponed in your memory for a lifetime and will be constantly encouraged to come back here at least once.
London – quick facts
The largest metropolis of the British Isles, which is the capital of England and the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern. Ireland (in English commonly shortened to United Kingdom), situated on the south-east of the UK at the mouth of the River Thames. It was founded by the Romans back in ’43.
Its present name dates back to the word “Londinium” (so called the city the Romans), the origin of which is not precisely determined and has a lot of different versions, the most popular of them are the following: from the Latin. seq. Lond (wild place), from the Celtic Llyndid (Llyn – Lake, Dun – reinforcement) or by Londo (brutal, frenetic). Many versions, however, agree that the name refers to the pre-Roman period and Romans borrowed from the local naseleniya.Dostoprimechatelnosti London, Southwark Cathedral
As you can see, the history of London dates back almost two thousand years. During this time period he visited the capital of Britain, England, Great Britain, the British Empire, a century is the greatest city in the world, I have experienced many fires, epidemics, the Great Depression, the bombing of the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the Great Smog, numerous ups and downs economically and culturally. And yet there have developed very special tradition and the atmosphere, which are now its most important distinguishing feature.
Today it is the main political, cultural and business center of the UK, which focused government and justice, there are many churches, museums, theaters, galleries and others. The city’s economy is about a quarter of the country’s economy. London belongs to the world’s financial centers, it is one of the most important centers of international business life and major international air transport hub.
Geographically, the city consists of 33 districts – City, which is its business center, and has 32 administrative districts. Up until 1889 officially considered only London City district, the outer limits of which have remained virtually unchanged sDostoprimechatelnosti London Globe Theatre Roman times. Now a part of London includes all 33 districts are further subdivided into regions of Inner (City plus the 13 districts) and Outer London (the other 19).
London – the capital of museums, theaters and fashion
Despite the fact that the age of London is about 2 millennia, preserved in its architecture is not so much evidence of such a ripe old age: the city is almost devoid of ancient and medieval buildings, palaces and castles of the Renaissance. Facilities built more than 4 centuries ago, in the capital quite a bit. Still in London, in all its form, style and rhythm of life, acute as in any other metropolis of the world, feel the centuries-old history, adherence to traditions and national character. All this makes it a desirable goal for the travelers from various countries, who come to see with their own eyes and visit museums, palaces, parks, plazas, theaters, and many other beautiful and interesting places of the British capital.
Sights and monuments. Most of London’s monuments located in Westminster. Tower skyline of Greenwich, Westminster Abbey, St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster Palace, KorolevskieDostoprimechatelnosti of London, Tower Bridge, Botanic Gardens Kew Gardens classified as World Heritage sites and included in a special list of UNESCO. In addition to them in London definitely recommended to see Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Windsor Castle, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Church of St. Martin and St. Margaret’s, Millennium Dome, the skyscraper “Gherkin.”
Museums and galleries Albion capital hundreds – in London more than 300 points of interest with a filling, satisfying the most diverse tastes and interests. You can visit the British Museum, which is the most important repository of archaeological finds; Victoria and Albert Museum, where there is the largest collection of works of arts and crafts; The National Gallery one of the most outstanding collections of world art. As well as the Museum of Moving Image (Museum of Cinema and Television), Madame Tussauds (Wax Museum), the Museum of Natural Sciences, Museum of Transport, Sherlock Holmes Museum, the Museum of fire protection or any other museum in London, according to their own interests. In August and September for the visitors opened a large part of the premises at Buckingham Palace, constantly guided tours of the parliament building and Taueru.Dostoprimechatelnosti London Tower of London
London theaters. This freedom for theater and celebration for their subtle sense of showers: Chief Royal Opera House, London, Her Majesty’s Theatre, the National Theatre in South Vank, “Globe”, English National Opera, the Royal Albert Hall, the Coliseum, etc. Advantageously, in the West End. focus theaters, famous for its musicals.
Types of London and the most attractive locations for walks. Get the aesthetic pleasure is possible without visiting the museums, theaters and galleries, just walking around the city and enjoying the sights. In London, a great number of the most beautiful and world-famous streets, boulevards and squares. Visit Trafalgar Square, stroll through Piccadilly Circus, wrap in Baker Street on a visit to Sherlock Holmes, walk to the shops of Oxford Street, Bond Street and Knightsbridge, look at Abbey Road, where the recording studios, which were recorded Pink Floyd, Beatles, other legendary bands and performers.
If you love spending time outdoors, spend it in one of London’s parks. The most famous and attractive of them Lee Valley, Hyde Park, Green Park, St James’s, Greenwich Park, Regents Park, Bushy Park, Richmond Park. ZapadnoyDostoprimechatelnosti In London, the National Gallery of the capital city are extensive Botanic Gardens, Kew. Huge interest is for travelers to London Zoo and London Aquarium. It is also interesting to stroll on the pavilions studio Warner Brothers, where possible, for example, to see the scenery of the Harry Potter films.
To see London from different angles, climb on the wheel “London Eye” Ferris, and then walk around the London underground. So you can get the most complete and varied experience.
What do you remember hearing the word “London”?
One of the first associations that come to mind in connection with London is the rainy London weather, smog and mist for most people in the world. In fact, rainfall in this city – a usual phenomenon in any season, and rain – the most common of them a guest. This contributes to many temperate maritime climate of London and is quite moderate temperature changes (in the summer – 14-23 degrees, in the winter – the average temperature is 4 degrees, and do not often drop below zero). Even winters are typically damp and misty. As for the smog, the last decade thanks to adopted vDostoprimechatelnosti of London, St. Paul’s mid-20th century to the law “About Clean Air” in the capital of the UK there is a very significant reduction in air pollution.
Public transport in London – bright red double-decker buses, very colorful looking at the streets of the old buildings of past centuries. And, of course, memorable black taxis – cabs. London’s public transport (trams, buses) operates around the clock, plus a round the clock bus routes there is still night (extra), which is repeated routes different subway lines (it is closed at night).
London ceremony. The most popular among travelers of London ceremony is a fascinating spectacle of changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. It is made exactly at 11.30 am, from April to August – every day, in the rest of the year – a day. Also, every day, in the evening, at 21.50, you can watch the ritual closing of the Tower, called the Ceremony of the Keys. Once in London in September, it is possible to capture the festival of the Thames, in its frameworks are held carnival, torchlight and costumed parades, exhibitions, concerts, performances of street theaters, gastronomic feast, Sights of London, Buckingham Palace fairs, acrobatic shows, fireworks, dancing, and others. The spectacle simply enchanting.
Shopping in London. Since the 19th century the city became one of the few centers of world fashion, and known for his in contrast to other fashion capitals brought no women’s and men’s fashion. Brands such as Burberry, Paul Smith, Ben Sherman, Fred Perry and others, won a high reputation and popularity around the world, annually attracting connoisseurs of fashion here in the expensive high-quality shopping and seasonal sales in outlet shopping.
Pubs and restaurants. In terms of culinary delights London famous for its cosmopolitan: the kitchen, you can choose for every taste (English, Eastern European, Indian, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Italian, French, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, Russian, etc.), Culinary geography continues to expand. Prices – for every budget: the most expensive restaurants are in Westminster, the most accessible and affordable – in Soho. In London, a lot of vegetarian restaurants (some vegetarian dishes offered in any normal institution). And, of course, do not forget about the famous London pubs, where many residents and visitors love to skip the evening pint or two of ale (beer), – for them is here priezzhayutDostoprimechatelnosti London, Palace of Westminster lovers of beer from different countries.
It is almost impossible to describe (and even just to give an idea) about all the attractions and features of London to a single material, as well as to visit them (see see) within one, even the most prolonged and dramatic tour.


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