Dota2 : Templar Assassin

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Lanai childhood did not take place as the others, not to say that it was not her, rather it was completely different, and she liked it. Lanaya aspired to new knowledge, it was never enough With very young age, and she was reading books and encyclopedias to the holes. She liked to study the nature, she knew that you can interact with it. In addition, even on their own Lanaya studied magic and alchemy. She always wanted to know what was behind the creation of the original source of the magic.
Guild, which was Lanaya also studied everything in this world. Guild scientists. But Lanaya was possessed by a new and secret knowledge. This distinguishes it from the others. Almost all his childhood and youth Lanaya sat behind the ancient scrolls and folios, traveled the world, been to different libraries and even get to the purple files.
Templar Assassin
Violet archives – this files, which were written by scientists and purple dress, the place where once lived Tinker. In them, he described the laws of nature, which later studied and know nature Lanaya. These same knowledge allowed her to open the door of the Secret Temple, where the ancient nature of her anticipated. They promised to quench her thirst for knowledge, but instead she should swear allegiance and serve them in the name of the temple. The choice was obvious, Lanaya agreed and was amazed at what knowledge had essentially without hesitation. They opened her secrets of the universe, the basics psionic powers, and much more.
Through Violet archives and the new knowledges of the church Lanaya able to discover new abilities, based on the laws of nature. For example, the refraction, which protected it from enemy attacks, and gave her additional strength. Since then, Lana became known as Templar Assassin. She did indicate entities defended the temple and kill enemies that dare stand in its path. She became the very embodiment of death, which overtook the enemy everywhere.
Its first victim was of royal blood. Killing enemies, Lanaya more learn about the world. Later she went to war two stones with only one purpose – to learn something new, because there there are many more characters.
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