Dota2 : Pudge

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Few people saw it, many do not believe in its existence, but absolutely everyone is afraid to meet him. Huge butcher and leisurely walks on the fields of battle only at night and remove the bodies of those killed.
He did not because he liked it, it was his calling. Land wanted to no longer accept such a number of dead soldiers, and the battle continued to the next day, the battlefield must be clean.
Pudge butchered corpses huge knives. Chunks of meat in one direction, the other bones, it was the profession of this fat.
Over time, the puja started to feed the passion for everything he does. Taste once human flesh, he is no longer able to refuse it.
Legends of the night monster, devouring corpses terrify even the bravest heroes.
When the battle stopped for negotiation time, a butcher goes hunting, he needed a new body. Meat Hook appears out of the darkness and brings death to anyone who gets in his way.
Puja presence gives it the stench that diverges around him. Eating rigor meat has led to the fact that the Rot harm, not only victims, but also to the butcher.
With each dead body butcher hero becomes more and more. It is terrible to imagine how many people have died because Flesh Heap does Puja this giant.
If a victim came too close to the fat man, he just bites his teeth into the flesh of the living, and the poor man breaks into pieces. Dismember briefly thirst eternal hunger Pudge, but very soon he will need a new piece.
At the butcher’s no friends, he has only victim. He feels himself very well, and is not going to change anything. Why share the booty, if it is possible to eat all enemies.
But for Lifestealer he can become a tasty morsel of meat. The more fat at the time of the meeting with the enemy, would be more delicious.
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