Dota2 : Medusa

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Of the three daughters of the sea goddess Medusa not only possessed immortality. She consoled herself with the fact that beauty is bestowed upon her someday change the world.
When the unknown broke into the apartments of the Gorgons to steal immortal and beautiful daughters of the goddess, the Medusa, they contemptuously left, taking only her sisters.
Lack of immortality may have saved her life that day, but she realized that beauty has no power, if not help to protect the sisters.
In desperation, Medusa went to the sea goddess and prayed that it gave her a really powerful force. Power that will help her save the sisters and punish the kidnappers.
Goddess prayed over it, but instead of terrible power, Medusa had to sacrifice their beauty. She immediately took a frightening appearance, but he felt a force that now runs in her blood, she realized that she made the right choice.
Now in its power it was to change the world, no matter what the price did not have to do it.
As a weapon to battle Medusa chose a magical bow, endowed with the ability to produce multiple arrows. Absorbing power Gorgon, Split Shot exactly gets into a lot of goals at the same time, covering the enemies rain of arrows.
The strength of the Medusa is hidden not in the muscles and does not overwhelm opponents brute strength. The danger lies in the curse, which she sends to his enemies. Mystic Snake stealing the life force from victims and transmit them to the Gorgon.
Since Medusa has not received immortality at birth, even in the form of powerful beings, it remains vulnerable. In order not to die under the blows of the other strong opponents, it has a protective mechanism Mana Shield, which surrounds the Gorgon magical barrier.
No one would dare to reject the death the daughter of the goddess, as it did on the day of the abduction of her sisters. If you look into the eyes of Medusa, you will remain forever in her lair as a stone sculpture. There are legends that curse Stone Gaze turned to stone the whole army during one of the battles.
All security Gorgon based on her mane, so having to fight Crystal Maiden will be very helpful for survival, slowing spell will not help to escape the one who decided to escape from the fury of Medusa.
Accordingly, all who can pick up your mana and will be the most dangerous opponents for the awesome sea goddess daughter.
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