Dota2 : Io

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Hero history Io (Visp)
It is not known who or what Io, where it came from and what came into our world. People have always admired the creature. For them it is a genuine energy, the beginning of everything. It is believed that over time itself Visp. It does not exist anywhere else, and at the same time in every point in space, every moment of history.
He supports neither light nor darkness, neither good nor evil. For the Allies, he saved for the worst enemies of the enemy. It can increase the strength and speed of their allies, enemies, he slows down and causes a lot of problems.
To interact with other characters using Tether Io. Related hero can communicate with the creature, and to understand it, and receives an increased movement speed and regeneration of health and mana. There is a theory that Visp takes strength to return from another universe. The best ally for the fight is called the Chaos Knight and Tiny.
Even without the support of fellow creature can stand up for themselves. Spirits encourages spirits that swirl around Io and cause damage to all enemies who meet on the way.
If others do not have enough forces to help an ally, Visp starts giving its own forces using Overcharge. He does not care about himself, his friend is more important. It can play a trick on him, because it becomes very vulnerable target for the enemy.
Io can move in space, not only himself, but also to take with a connected companion. Relocate transfer to any point on the map, but after some time the hero will return to the place. It will play a bad joke against such heroes as Clinkz or Drow Ranger, which can cause a lot of damage in a short time.
But the most “harmful” enemy became Disruptor. He will be able to send you in space and time for 4 seconds.
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