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Chipmunk actually looks very similar to the protein. But this is its similarity to it is not restricted – they are almost the same and in some habits, with the only difference that the squirrel prefers to spend a lot of time on the ground, whereas the protein – a tree. The most common squirrel got in North America and Russia in the taiga zone.
Description chipmunks
The size and weight of chipmunks depend on their species and can reach 5 … 15 cm (tail – 7 … 12 cm) body length and 30 … 120 grams of weight. The main distinguishing characteristic of all the chipmunks – the presence of 5-and dark lines running along the back and separated by lighter stripes (gray or white). The rest of the color of their fur varies little and is gray-brown or reddish-brown. In this regard, kinds chipmunks extremely difficult to distinguish from one another. Altogether there are 3, the latter of which includes a large number of subspecies – about 24.
habits chipmunk
chipmunk activity falls mainly in the morning and evening. In the cold period of the year it becomes dormant, but sleep is not as strong as, for example, a marmot or ground squirrel, chipmunk so often awakens the middle of winter, and then thoroughly eaten, falls asleep again.
Proof of this are the mandatory reserves for the winter, and a small amount of fat-delayed, as compared to other warm-blooded inhabitants of the forest, which fatten the fat first, and then burrow under the snow, go into dens and burrows to spend besprosypno all the time until the spring.
Get out of the burrow chipmunks immediately with the onset of heat, but the “fan”. This is due to the fact on which side of the hill is their home – on warmer slopes, ahead of other heated by the sun, chipmunks appear before the rest. But if suddenly the heat abruptly interrupted by cooling, chipmunks again go into the hole to appear again only with the advent of always vernal days.
Habits spring chipmunks different from the summer: not yet under the hot sun, these animals are more sluggish, slow-moving, do not go away from the property, preferring to climb blizrastuschie trees and feast on their kidneys or get a very top and basking in the spring sunshine. In summer, the Chipmunks, on the contrary, frisky, active, nimble, agile and spend more time in the air, unless of course it is not hot.
At the peak of the heat they emerge from the burrows just before sunrise or just before the sunset. But in the increasingly dense Chipmunks even in the hot season is not hiding in a hole, staying outside all day. Squirrels are extremely intolerant to the rain and feel his presence very keenly, warning each other special clatter.
Habitats chipmunk
Most species and subspecies chipmunks lives in North America, where this little animal takes up almost the entire territory – from central Mexico to the Arctic Circle. The only exception is a Eurasian species – the so-called Siberian chipmunk or Asian. It spread from the north of China and the Korean Peninsula up to the northern region of Europe. There he is on the island of Hokkaido on. Chipmunk Eastern American forms a separate subgenus, which is found only in the east of the continent. In the central zone of Europe settled down wild chipmunks, who fled with specialized farms involved in their cultivation.
Judging from the landscape and vegetation zone, it is possible to note the following: least chipmunk took a fancy to the Canadian subarctic coniferous forests, the Siberian chipmunk prefers to live in the forest, Eastern US – in deciduous forests of New England. In addition, some sub-species of chipmunks have adapted to life in the open, among the bushes.
Where does a chipmunk
Chipmunk live in burrows, which arranges in the roots of trees or in rotten stumps and very rare – in hollows. Despite the fact that he, like protein, a tree dweller, it is not necessary to have a high old trees – often costing chipmunk good thickets of willow, birch and wild cherry. But most of all he prefers deadwood and fallen trees, where it is best to get lost, while remaining completely invisible. Another requirement to the place where he lives chipmunk – the presence of water. That is why they are most often found in thickets along the major streams and rivers.
Digging a hole, as far as possible chipmunk casts ground, carrying it into the cheek pouches at a decent distance from his home – that nothing betrayed the presence of the home. Inside it can be up to 3 meters, and in addition to the 1 nest chamber, have a few – 1-2 and 1-2 for the reserves for the toilet. Living room, he generally carpets the leaves and dry vegetation. This camera is designed for a night’s rest, hibernation and young output.
The chipmunk eats
Chipmunk eats mostly plant foods only occasionally mixing in her of insects. However, this does not mean that the composition of its extremely poor food – on the contrary, it is very diverse and includes mushrooms, forest and pine nuts, acorns, grass, shrubs, young shoots, buds of trees, seeds of wild grasses and coniferous plantations.
In general, a very large chipmunk gourmet – he adores various berries, cereals, peas, sunflower, flax, corn, buckwheat. Often, dietary diversity and the fact that people inadvertently planted near his dwelling place – eat apricots, plums, cucumbers. But as reserves for the winter squirrel chooses preferably spikes of grain and pine nuts.
The hunt for chipmunks
chipmunks on Hunting begins in the spring, when the beast comes out of hibernation and appears on the surface. Its duration is approximately 40 … to 45 days (usually until the last days of May). Same with marriage sometimes chipmunk that at times increases dobychlivost. In the summer take a break, because in hot weather hunting chipmunks are not due to the low quality and low value of fur. It resumed in the fall, just in September and lasts until the chipmunk dives into a deep sleep – that is, until the end of October.
Among the methods of hunting a chipmunk in the spring it is best justified hunting decoy and looped. At this time they are best are susceptible to the call, because at the time of entering Search couples. Optimal watch for fishing – noon and morning. But in the autumn of this method is not justified, therefore, preference is given to hunting with a dog and a gun. It largely follows the hunt for a protein of the similarity of a chipmunk with it – and way of life and habits. As a hunting dog Laika want to use. The cartridges are best taken with a half charge – with fraction numbers 8-10 since beating fall mostly at close range.


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